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My name Tan Yonghwee !
F³C #9
15 , Catholic High.

Class:1-3, 2-3, 3-1, 4-1

Chek Wei
Han Wen
Hui Yang
Jun Jie
Junior Ken
Junior Kai Rong
Junior Kian How
Junior Nicholas
Kun Liang
Senior Sui Peng
Shu Zhen
Wei Kit
Wei Zheng
Wen Xuan
Xin Yu
Yee Teng
Yu Cheng
Zhen Wei


September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 October 2007 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009


layout designer and image: eloquent

date: Saturday, April 18, 2009

Me , Ben, YC before POP rehearsal.
The gift (left with my name) from my Part C '09 . Thanks guys =D You all rock!
Part C '09 with UDI (me) and Specs (Wei Xuan, Yu Cheng and Jared)
Us again, this time with our two MSGs

Oh ya, notice the berets ON THE FLOOR =)

I thought we looked like mickey mouses with our gloves on. So we posed for a pic .

Before the parade, Ben giving some briefing to them . I was staring at smth =X

The last time standing in front of them as their UDI T.T

And at around 5.15pm,
we officially POP-ed =D
Post-POP pics :
Chia (flauting his service award) and me (flaunting my bags =.=)

Darren , me, Ah Don, and Ben =D

Part A 'o6, Part B 'o7, Part C 'o8 , Part D' o9

Me and CHY had to help support the elderly =D

Me and buddy CHY . He says he'll look more handsome when taking pics with me, because im ugly and his handsome-ness would exude -.- HAHAS.

Part D 'o9 with Sir Goh . It was my honour to work under him for a year =)

This time joined by Mr Teo, Mrs Chua and Mr Chan .

Cut cake cut cake =)
Ah well.
No more affliations with NCC ( YEAH !)
But i miss those memories, and times I had in training, camps during NCC =)
And especially those friends and partmates i made over the 3 years.
As well as my beloved 30 juniors whom have taken over.
Some may think I didn't do that well a job,
but nevertheless,
I did what i felt was best for the part. And Im satisfied =)
As to the Part C 'o8,
Although my crap talks are super boring , but they'll come in handy in your term as an NCO.
Trust me :)
Here's another crap talk LOL :
The shift in gear up to become leaders may seem sudden ,
but get used to it. We've been there before. And we've overcome it .
Whatever you do, most important is mutual respect , be it for your peers or your cadets.
Only with mutual respects can you achieve greater results. Because everyone would be willing to work with you.
Communication is important as well.
It doesn't matter how you communicate with your peers. As long as there is any form of communication, it will do .
But try not to be like me. My style of communication is mainly vulgarities . LOL.
Thats why you hear me going "Yo bitch." or "hey fucker ~" and sometimes pointing fingers at ppl. LOL.
But i meant no evil. This is my way of communicating with ppl. Hahas.
To me, got post or no post, not much difference.
To be honest , we had a hard time choosing ppl for certain posts.
Reason : All of you are too good at various aspects. So much so that I could have at least 2 people
vying for one post. Yeah, thats how good you all are =)
No post doesn't mean nothing.
You still can fight for 2Sg in Spec Course., and get 1Sg when you POP.
You stil can fight for Best Specialist Award.
Most importantly, You still can play a part .
To be frank, I wanted to suggest the creation of at least 5 or more posts.
Because some of you really deserved post, but just ousted by ppl better than you.
Nevertheless, I had no doubts in your abilities whatsoever.
Because to me, every cadet stands an equal opportunity .
So to some of you, don't be disheartened.
Always remember , Whatever you do, put yourself in your cadet's shoes first.
It was my honour to be able to lead you all as your UDI.
And thanks alot for co-operating with me for the past one year.
Never shall I forget those memories, fun times we had =)
Oh ya, and come on guys !
Get gold unit once again , as well as be the top NCC AIR unit , if not NCC unit in Spore !
(Rmb to acknowledge me as ur previous UDI) LOL. Joking luh =D
As to my specs,
We have a special affinity.
4 of us seem to click perfectly well.
And to me, we're the best group of specialists ever in CHS NCC AIR =) !
In my memory, none other specialists have been so united .
Hahas =)

date: Friday, February 27, 2009
Food food food.
Walking inside Turf City.

Jess/Pris took this.

Chong Pang BBQ steamboat. Im a regular patron if you realise :)

The girls.
Nick and me. The white stains were of unknown cause. THATS NOT MY BAG. Im just doing a favour by carrying it.

Us at the bridge at Clarke Quay
Bei is cooking his salty fried rice. Everyone puked.

Us boys with Chong Pang BBQ steamboat auntie

Im hiding behind Xiang's head.

Haiz, this happened on Jan 1st.
I received the pics only today.
Lols. Btw, Prelim 1's over.
Like finally.
Screwed A maths. Been emo-ing about it the whole day.
Screw it.

date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two campers are walking through the woods when a huge brown bear suddenly appears in the clearing about 50 feet in front of them. The bear sees the campers and begins to head toward them.

The first guys drops his backpack, digs out a pair of sneakers, and frantically begins to put them on.

The second guys says, "What are you doing? Sneakers won’t help you outrun that bear."

"I don't need to outrun the bear," the first guy says. "I just need to outrun you."

date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 牛 Year ! =]

Carrie Underwood- Just A Dream
It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen
All dressed in white
Going to the church that night
She had his box of letters in the passenger seat
Sixpence in her shoe, something borrowed, something blue
And when the church doors opened up wide
She put her veil down
Trying to hide the tears
Oh she just couldn't believe it
She heard the trumpets from the military band
And the flowers fell out of her hand
Baby why'd you leave me?
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
The preacher man said let us bow our heads and pray
Lord please lift his soul, and heal this hurt
Then the congregation all stood up and sang
The saddest song that she ever heard
Then they handed her a folded up flag
And she held on to all she had left of him
Oh, and what could have beenAnd then the gun's rang one last shot
And it felt like a bullet in her heart
Baby why'd you leave me?
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
Oh,Baby why'd you leave me?
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
Oh, I'll never know
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream
Oh, this is just a dream
Just a dream
Yeah, Yeah

date: Sunday, January 25, 2009
F³C F³C F³C F³C F³C ~
School had CNY celebration. F³C decided to attend it together.
All of us dressed in the F³C jersey, and sat at the back of the hall.
Everyone looked at us .
Don't know is by luck or due to our NCC roots, we unconsciously sat in a fall-in position of 3x3.
With everyone surrounding CSM, who was in the middle.

Here goes how we won it:
1.KO's phone received the call from the emcee.
2.He passed me the phone and I ran to the stage.
3.Emcee introduced me and other 3 lucky winners to the school.
4. There were 4 boxes. 3 contained vouchers, 1 contained the grand prize, Ipod Shuffle.
5.Emcee told us to choose a box. I didn't know which one to choose.
6. I looked over to where F³C was sitting.
7. Saw CSM jumping up and down, with his back facing me. He was pointing to his jersey no. "1".
8. I ran over to Box number 1, shoved the previous occupant aside.
9. Emcee gave the cue to open box.
10. Opened, saw Ipod shuffle, grabbed it, punched it into the air victoriously.
11. Everyone went high.

KO's phone, my braveness, CSM's number :)

Alright, so after school everyone played soccer at Desheng's house.
After that , bathed at Desheng's house .
Took 163 to TPY.
After that realized I lost my specs T.T (This is the only unhappy thing throughout the day).
Met Ek Kiat, KO and Yu Cheng there.
Missed the shuttle bus by 1 minute !! RAWR.
So we stood there and waited for another half an hour. Chit chatted as we always do.
Reached and went to eat.
We Lou hei-ed . "A1 ~ A1 ~ A1 ~" as we messed up the food.

Then KO did his "dan chao fan". Was a success.
CSM tried, but failed . LOL.
We played around with the food , with Kun Liang coming up with "Chocolate fishball".
This is the disgusting part about the Chocolate Fishball :
1. He bbq-ed the fishball, until the skin turned black.
2. He dropped it on the floor and RUBBED it on the floor.
3. He took it up and spat saliva on it.

He used it as a weapon against anyone who disturbed or teased him . LOL !

Ok, so came the Eat-Raw-Egg challenge.
Siyang challenged everyone, but nobody wanted.
Until Ek Kiat the sick shit VOLUNTEERED.
And won !
The process was so funny, i watched the vid over and over again for an hour =)

After that we did our Yam-seng.
But we shouted "A1" instead of "Yam seng".
Being NCC boys , you should know what expect from us.
Other customers saw 17 mad boys screaming at the top of their voices.
"A ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 !".
Then we did another one , because apparently people from another table challenged us.
" F~~~~~~~~~~cube~~~~~~~~C !"
Ok, we shook the restaraunt. LOL.
After that Ek Kiat did 10 chin ups, for we believed that, 10 chin ups = 10 A1s.

After that we did another cheer at TPY bus interchange.
We stacked our hands, shouted " F³C A1 !" and dispersed asap , least people thought we were mad.
Took Mushroom Airlines home after that.
Really had lots of fun =)

Below are the pictures of the day:

Btw, here's a group picture of half-strength F³C with James Loo :
Btw, here's a group picture of half-strength F³C with James Loo :
First row: CSM, James, Hui Yang,
Second row : Hanwen, Nathan, Me, Don, Kun Liang

F³C BBQ steamboat + Lou Hei pictures :

(KO, Si Yang , Alan and Zi xin)'s table. Famous for Egg Fried Rice.
(Me, JunJie, Soh and Kun Liang)'s table. Famous for our Prawn soup and Chocolate Fishball.

(CSM, Joel, Hui Yang , Nathan and Hanwen)'s table. Famous for their tidiness and organization.

Everyone is enjoying !
Three tables in a row. Occupied by 17 fighting-fish-breeders. LOL.

A clearer view.

Look at the mess we've created.

Me , CSM , JunJie at the back . =)

Me in shades, with CSM :)

Me, JunJie, Nathan, Ek Kiat, Han Wen, CSM posing with mantou in our mouth.

F³C group photo. Imagine 17 people travelling together.

F³C group photo with the lady boss. Notice her hippy pose.

date: Saturday, January 17, 2009
From left : HuiYang (蘑菇), Weikit , Sir SP, Benedict , Me
Me and CSM ! Liew , he look so formal and charming, Im in casual PE >.<

First row : CSM , Desheng (Both look damn handsome in No.1 )

Second row : KunLiang, me , Nathan, Soh and Don

Third row : Joel (Small mushroom), Siyang the China soldier

Everyone posing in No.7 !

Wtf pose ? Guess its hand-specs. Hahas.

Friday was CCA openhouse.
CSM and Desheng wore their No.1 for the first time.
So we took pictures with them (:
F³C all the way !

By the way , F³C announcement :

Friday 23/1/2009,

We are having a F³C gathering/celebration too ! :D

Should be soccer at Desheng's house first,

followed by LAN/swimming (Remember bring extra clothings),

Then dinner+Lau yu sheng !

date: Tuesday, January 06, 2009
I've defined happiness.
There are two kinds of happiness.

When you go out with your friends,
This happiness is called "fun".
Everyone has fun fooling around, cracking jokes, teasing one another.

When you go out with your girlfriend (Im speaking from a boy's perspective) ,
Its a different case all together.
This happiness is called "Love".
Its something that I can't describe completely.
I'll leave it up to your own perception .

Alright, I just realized I changed alot.
My closet used to be two distinct sides.
Black shirts on one side, white shirts on the other.
However, when I opened it today,
there were pink, green, yellow and red too ! (:

And once I receive my hong bao money,
Im gonna buy shades (:
Cause it looks really cool !